Have you ever played the country game? Or the country and city game? Or as we do now, the "Anywhere in the universe game"
I remember many long trips up and down the highway. Sometimes it would get boring. We didn't have dsi's, dvd's, anything like kids do now that they get entertained with. My husband and I feel differently on what kids should have to entertain themselves while travelling long distances. We have made compromises so the kids have time of dsi's but they also have time to use their imaginations.
A few weeks ago, I was driving about an hour out of the city to scope out possible locations for a family reunion. I had given my kids the allotted time for their dsi and then asked them to shut it off. It took all of 1 minute to say the inevitable "I'M BORED"
I asked them if they wanted to play a game. While they were pretty sure there was not a game to be played that they would like, I asked them to keep an open mind. We started playing "the country game"
The first person will name a country (Canada) as the starter country. The next person will take the 3rd letter from the country (N) and they will come up with a country that starts with N. It goes around and around. I remember playing the game for hours. We had hours (at least 5) until we reached our destination. I appreciate my parents teaching me to use my brain, to sometimes have to think and search for answers.
When I was playing it with my kids, they asked if we could make it "anywhere in the universe"game. I should have known what would have happened because the first time the letter U came up, Uranus was said. I love my little family.