“As you walk to the boundary of your understanding into the twilight of uncertainty, exercising faith, you will be led to find solutions you would not obtain otherwise.” Elder Richard G. Scott.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


I am not much of a resolution girl. I think it's because if I "fall off the bandwagon" I feel like a failure and have a hard time picking myself up from it. 

I was thinking about life and what I like about it and what I don't. The don'ts I would like to change. I mean, who doesn't? The thing is, I cannot necessarily change the don'ts. For lots of the don'ts, it's things that other people do to me that irritate me so really, I cannot change them. I can change my reaction, ways I deal with it, and that is my responsibility.

So this is what I am going to ADD to my life this year. Not resolve to do. Just feel like doing some simple addition. You know, things I should have been doing all along!

I am going to ADD patience. I know, I know, that is a call of being tested for patience. But as I was thinking about it, I want my children to be more patient. I want my husband to be more patient. If I want people to be more patient, I need to be a better example. I am the wife and mother of my home. These are responsibilities of mine. I need to embrace them.

I am going to ADD love. I am a pretty loving person. I love to be loved and I love to show love. I tell my kids 1 times a day "Do you know I love you?" As I was thinking about it though, I was wondering if I SHOWED them 100 times a day "Do you know I love you?" I know that sometimes definitions of love can be different. Like I can ask my kids to put their stuff away and they may not consider that love BUT it is. I love them enough to teach them to take care of their stuff and know how to clean. I know that in the long run, like when they are a parent themselves, they will understand that. Love for now, love for later on in life. 

I am going to ADD fun times. Oh man, am I ever! Now that I am not working, I feel free to be able to do what I have wanted to for years. Yesterday we went tobogganing. First time I went in 15 years. I broke my shoulder 15 years ago while I was tobogganing and have been terrified to do it ever since. I did it! And my kids went up and down that hill so many times! They were so happy! I loved that. I want to add moments where we just do fun things. Yes, there is a time and a place for work but there is a time and a place for fun! Really, I have less than 6 years until my oldest is ready for his mission. That time is coming quick! I am just going to love it and enjoy it. I want to create fun moments!

I am going to ADD family time. All too often, it is too easy to run here or there, hang with friends, be on the computer or devices. I want to be so busy having fun as a family that we are close. So that when we grow older and are out of the house, when one of our kids does something, the others want to go because that is what they are used to. I want my kids to learn to love and support their siblings. Don't get me wrong, they do now. I just want to add more moments like that so it is a natural thing.

Of course this one will be here too. I want to add more veggies and water to my life so there is no room for sugar. Sugar does a terrible number on my body. I had cut out almost all sugar and then Christmas came to town. I didn't eat nearly as much as I would normally but having taken away sugar and then adding in that little bit that I did have made me realize how big of a problem sugar is for my body. So between me adding veggies and water to my life, hopefully there will be no room for sugar.

What are YOU going to add to your life?

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